Partial list of bank codes for Paypal
Sunday, January 27, 2008
As of posting time, there are only five banks who disclosed their bank code for Paypal fund withdrawal, and they are Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) / BPI Family Savings Bank, Chinabank, Citibank / Citibank Savings, Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and Metrobank. Check out their codes in this post.

Avid fan Senator GM Tristan posted a comment minutes after I posted my previous entry regarding the subject. Actually he asked something about using EON Card as a bank. Check out my reply here.

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's thoughts were ambushed at 11:58 PM

2 wisecracks:

  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger Meng Morales's ambushed thoughts were:

    Thanks for the update, James! And thanks for all the helpful info you're providing in your site. :)

  • At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous's ambushed thoughts were:

    Ey thanks for the answer and the link love. I just added the EON called the Unionbank custcare. They said I can get my expanded use after 4 to 5 days.