Goddess on House Arrest
Thursday, October 04, 2007
It's been almost two months since we found out that come April 2008, Issen will be a big brother. WOOOOT! 
Yes, as many of you may know already, Baby Frost #2 is on the way.
It's been a rough ride, so far. I was having uterine contractions in the early weeks, and I was advised by my OB to take a two-week bed rest to eliminate the possibility of threatened abortion. I was given meds to ensure the baby will "hang on tight". After two weeks I was still weak and my condition was not yet stable. So the OB told me take a month's worth of rest. No undue stress, no unnecessary pressure, and no salary.
Oh well.
The past weeks have been bittersweet.
Yes, I get to spend more time with Issen, who's growing up real fast and learning so many things. Sad thing is, I can't spend as much time with him as I want to. Considering my delicate situation, I am forbidden to carry him. As I get tired very easily, I always feel "bitin" whenever I do get to play with him on the bed.
Yes, I get to catch up on most of the movies that I've missed (I don’t have copies of the others yet), but watching movies all day can get really old especially when you're doing nothing else for several weeks.
It's been a while since I last played sports, volleyball in particular. I'm no Leila Barros, but I know how to play the game. Just this August, our company's sports fest started. I, of course, joined one of the volleyball teams. During our first game, last August 9, just a few players were able to make it. We can't waste our chance to play with our CEO, who was there ready to play, so we had a no-bearing practice game. It was fun, really, but that was the most that I have played in the sports fest because the next day, August 10, we found out we are pregnant.
One of my friends at work even joked that it is my destiny NOT to be able to join a company outing. My first summer at the company last May 2006, I was about three months pregnant with Issen. The summer outing this year 2007 coincided with our trip to Laoag City for my sister-in-law's wedding. Mr. Frost and I were planning to follow to the resort, but we decided to rest instead. And by summer next year, I'd have just given birth to Baby Frost #2 so I can't go again.
I would like to think that I'm an active person. This is the first time that I'm not allowed to do much for such a long time. Okay, there were times in the past that I can't do things but I found ways to keep myself busy. Back then, I can afford to break the rules because nobody else depends on my actions. No baby's health to be compromised. No family to think of. I can't afford to be as careless this time.
I'm sorry, do I sound bitter? Does it seem like I'm regretting this pregnancy?
Of course not!
Don't get me wrong. We may not have planned this, but we welcome it with open arms. As Mr. Frost puts it, just the thought of having another baby as wonderful as Issen makes us excited and happy beyond description. We have been given a wonderful, wonderful blessing; who are we to complain?
I guess I just wasn't ready to go through pregnancy again, but with Mr. Frost's endless support, understanding, and love, I will take on this pregnancy as one of the best experiences in my life. Ready or not, the next few months should be a breeze. I just hope that those "next few months" will start soon.

Yes, as many of you may know already, Baby Frost #2 is on the way.

It's been a rough ride, so far. I was having uterine contractions in the early weeks, and I was advised by my OB to take a two-week bed rest to eliminate the possibility of threatened abortion. I was given meds to ensure the baby will "hang on tight". After two weeks I was still weak and my condition was not yet stable. So the OB told me take a month's worth of rest. No undue stress, no unnecessary pressure, and no salary.

The past weeks have been bittersweet.
Yes, I get to spend more time with Issen, who's growing up real fast and learning so many things. Sad thing is, I can't spend as much time with him as I want to. Considering my delicate situation, I am forbidden to carry him. As I get tired very easily, I always feel "bitin" whenever I do get to play with him on the bed.
Yes, I get to catch up on most of the movies that I've missed (I don’t have copies of the others yet), but watching movies all day can get really old especially when you're doing nothing else for several weeks.
It's been a while since I last played sports, volleyball in particular. I'm no Leila Barros, but I know how to play the game. Just this August, our company's sports fest started. I, of course, joined one of the volleyball teams. During our first game, last August 9, just a few players were able to make it. We can't waste our chance to play with our CEO, who was there ready to play, so we had a no-bearing practice game. It was fun, really, but that was the most that I have played in the sports fest because the next day, August 10, we found out we are pregnant.
One of my friends at work even joked that it is my destiny NOT to be able to join a company outing. My first summer at the company last May 2006, I was about three months pregnant with Issen. The summer outing this year 2007 coincided with our trip to Laoag City for my sister-in-law's wedding. Mr. Frost and I were planning to follow to the resort, but we decided to rest instead. And by summer next year, I'd have just given birth to Baby Frost #2 so I can't go again.

I would like to think that I'm an active person. This is the first time that I'm not allowed to do much for such a long time. Okay, there were times in the past that I can't do things but I found ways to keep myself busy. Back then, I can afford to break the rules because nobody else depends on my actions. No baby's health to be compromised. No family to think of. I can't afford to be as careless this time.
I'm sorry, do I sound bitter? Does it seem like I'm regretting this pregnancy?
Of course not!
Don't get me wrong. We may not have planned this, but we welcome it with open arms. As Mr. Frost puts it, just the thought of having another baby as wonderful as Issen makes us excited and happy beyond description. We have been given a wonderful, wonderful blessing; who are we to complain?
I guess I just wasn't ready to go through pregnancy again, but with Mr. Frost's endless support, understanding, and love, I will take on this pregnancy as one of the best experiences in my life. Ready or not, the next few months should be a breeze. I just hope that those "next few months" will start soon.