Oh Christmas, my old friend...
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I'm not a very Christmas-y person, really, but I'm slowly starting to become one in my desire to give Issen a wonderful childhood experience.

I'm not used to going out of my way to buy everyone I know Christmas gifts. I give close family members and friends whatever I can get my hands on. But since I want Issen to get the most of his first few Christmases, I decided to try and start feeling the holiday season as how other people feel it.

And as a start, I took a survey with a holiday season theme. I know it's not much, but I'm taking baby steps here.

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's thoughts were ambushed at 10:27 AM

1 wisecracks:

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Audrey's ambushed thoughts were:

    Got here through the Mom Blogs.
    Have been blog-hopping and I saw this survey in someone else's blog too.
    Guess must be the Christmas spirit. And hey, soon it'll be new year too!